Content marketing is one of the most important parts of the digital strategies we recommend to clients: creating quality content that engages and informs website users. In order to attract and hold the interest of users, content should use the keywords that users search for. So how can you tell …
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Google Tag Manager Guide: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Event Tracking, Part 3
Part 3: Newsletter Subscriptions UPDATE: This blog post was written for Google Tag Manager version 1, which is now obsolete. See the updated version of this Google Tag Manager Tutorial for GTM version 2. In the third part of our Google Tag Manager Guide, we introduce a new type of event: form …
Google Tag Manager Guide: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Event Tracking, Part 1
UPDATE: This blog post was written for Google Tag Manager version 1, which is now obsolete. See the updated version of this Google Tag Manager Tutorial for GTM version 2. Part 1: Outbound Links Even though Google Tag Manager is a relatively easy way to manage snippets of tracking code for …
Web Analytics and SEO for Startups
On Saturday the place to be for the Swiss Startup Scene was at StartupCamp Switzerland 2014 in Basel. A variety of presentations, discussions, and workshops on themes of interest to startups ran concurrently in five sessions throughout the day. Our Amazee Metrics team gave a presentation on the topic of Web …
Online Marketing Tutorial: Which Marketing Tools to Use for Effective Online Marketing – Part 1
The web has become a relevant source that people of all age groups use to make informed buying decisions. This fact has even been confirmed by a recent global market research study. Thus, online marketing is integral to a complete and effective marketing plan. But what exactly is online marketing? For …
How to integrate your YouTube One brand channel with Google Analytics
Last March, YouTube made its new designed, called YouTube One available to everyone. The new features are a new layout that works perfect on every type of screen and the ability to create customized lists of videos and present your content in a unique way. So, can you think …