How User Intent Impacts Your SEO

How User Intent Impacts Your SEO

When strategizing your Content Marketing, you  will probably start researching trends and you will follow this up with an extensive Keyword Research. That is great, but did you think about User Intent? It is the categorization of what users search online when they type their search term into a search …

6 Trends that Skyrocket Your SEO in 2018

Schiessen Sie Ihre SEO-Sichtbarkeit in die Höhe

We have landed in the year 2018. This is the year in which 2040 is closer than 1995. Let that sink in. This is also the year in which Elon Musk already sent his old car to Mars. At this very moment in orbit, there is a mannequin named Starman …

6 SEO and SEA Quick Wins for the Holiday Season

6 Quick Wins für Ihr Weihnachtsgeschäft (Muizenberg, Südafrika)

As consumers are being flooded with Christmas specials in brick and mortar stores, some online vendors have not even started bothering about the festive season yet. As the below Google Trends screenshot shows, the search volume for “Christmas present” already starts increasing as early as the end of August. If …

How to Verify Your Website in Google Search Console

Verifiy your Property in the Google Search Console by Amazee Metrics

If you want to gain more control of your website and how it appears in the Google Search results, you need the Google Search Console. Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that allows you to monitor your site’s appearance on Google. It doesn’t matter whether you …

Top 10 SEO Ranking Factors for Financial Websites in 2017

Finance Industry

Searchmetrics has recently released a study of the main SEO ranking factors in the financial sector. The study compares the Google ranking factors of websites of the financial industry with all other industries. The study is based on industry-specific keywords as well as generic keywords, which are used across all …

Top 10 SEO Ranking Factors for Ecommerce Websites in 2017

Ecommerce Ranking Factors

It is no news that ecommerce continues to grow massively every year, allowing businesses to reach a larger audience than a traditional storefront location. Online shoppers love the convenience of being able to buy things anytime anywhere, having access to a broader range of products, exchanging information about products with …

How to Optimize Your SEO efforts for RankBrain

How to Optimize Your SEO efforts for RankBrain

Google’s RankBrain has grown up and is involved in every single search query. What does it do and, more importantly, what can YOU do? What is RankBrain? RankBrain is a machine-learning AI system which helps Google process search results. It was added to the Google algorithm Hummingbird in 2015. Back …

SEO Ranking Factors 2017


Every year Searchmetrics releases its study of SEO ranking factors for Searchmetrics analyses a set of 10.000 relevant keywords in Google to find the correlations between ranking positions and ranking factors. For SEOs they are a handy guideline on what to look out for in the future.  In this …

How to Use Google Trends for Keyword Research


If you are planning your SEO strategy, you should do a keyword research first. This can be done with the Google Ads keyword planner, but another great option is Google Trends. Google Trends allows you to learn a lot from your keywords. It will give you data for not just …

A Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing for SEO

Content Marketing for SEO attracts visitors

In addition to Marketing Automation, Mobile Marketing and Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing is one of the most important online marketing tools in recent years, and it is central to SEO. We will show you what Content Marketing is and how it can be applied for search engine optimization. What is …