For Barry Callebaut we created holistic marketing dashboards showing data from all marketing channels to enable data-driven marketing decisions.
Barry Callebaut’s marketing team was measuring a wealth of online data but lacked a dashboard that would provide an overview of all online marketing activities. In addition, the marketing KPIs were not clearly defined and it was difficult for the team to derive clear calls-to-action based on the extensive data collected.
With a series of stakeholder workshops we gathered the dashboard requirements. Together, we defined the most relevant KPIs and dashboards for specific user groups. In addition, we implemented the necessary tracking codes so all desired KPIs could be tracked, and regular A/B tests could be performed.
Thanks to the dashboards implemented by Amazee Metrics, which monitor all our comms channels, we are able to make data-driven decisions and manage our communication activities more efficiently.
Raphael Wermuth
Head of Digital Communications
The client now has access to clean, comprehensible dashboards and detailed reports that are used for data-driven marketing decisions and well-controlled initiatives.