UNICEF, the renowned international organization dedicated to children's welfare, faces the ongoing challenge of responding swiftly to global crises, such as earthquakes and natural disasters, by raising funds for immediate emergency relief. These crises can strike unpredictably, on weekends or outside regular work hours. UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein needed an efficient and automated way to launch digital fundraising campaigns promptly, ensuring the availability of essential funds during critical situations.
Advance Metrics collaborated closely with UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein to address this urgent challenge. We devised a streamlined solution that revolutionized the campaign setup process:
Template-Driven Workflow: We created template documents in three languages — German, French, and Italian — tailored to UNICEF's fundraising channels. These templates were designed to be easily customizable for different crisis situations.
Standardized and Automated Setup We utilized the Google Ads Editor tool to streamline the bulk campaign creation process. Approved campaigns were efficiently uploaded, enabling UNICEF to launch campaigns within a matter of hours.
Template-Driven Workflow: We created template documents in three languages — German, French, and Italian — tailored to UNICEF's fundraising channels. These templates were designed to be easily customizable for different crisis situations.
Standardized and Automated Setup We utilized the Google Ads Editor tool to streamline the bulk campaign creation process. Approved campaigns were efficiently uploaded, enabling UNICEF to launch campaigns within a matter of hours.
We are happy with the rapid-response solution provided by Advance Metrics, enabling us to launch critical fundraising campaigns swiftly during emergencies. This streamlined approach has made a significant difference in our ability to respond effectively to crises.
Gabriella Brändli Ortiz
Head of Performance Marketing
The implementation of this innovative solution yielded remarkable results, allowing UNICEF to respond promptly to crises:
Swift Fundraising: UNICEF now possesses the capability to launch fundraising campaigns rapidly, even during weekends or outside regular work hours, ensuring the availability of essential funds for emergency relief efforts.
This client success case demonstrates how our online marketing agency's innovative solution has empowered UNICEF to overcome the challenge of rapid fundraising during crises, ensuring that vital resources are available for immediate emergency relief efforts, ultimately saving lives and making a lasting impact on the world's most vulnerable children.
Swift Fundraising: UNICEF now possesses the capability to launch fundraising campaigns rapidly, even during weekends or outside regular work hours, ensuring the availability of essential funds for emergency relief efforts.
This client success case demonstrates how our online marketing agency's innovative solution has empowered UNICEF to overcome the challenge of rapid fundraising during crises, ensuring that vital resources are available for immediate emergency relief efforts, ultimately saving lives and making a lasting impact on the world's most vulnerable children.