So far, only selected accounts were given access to Twitter’s own analytics tool, which allows you to analyse your tweets in detail. Now, Twitter has made Twitter Analytics available for (almost) everyone for free.
If you have been tweeting primarily in English, French, Japanese or Spanish and your account is older than 14 days, you have been given access to Twitter has promised to roll out Twitter Analytics for other languages soon. You can login to Twitter Analytics with your standard Twitter credentials.
What is Twitter Analytics about?
For beginners there is a simple guide on how to use Twitter Analytics.
The analytics tool is built as an interactive dashboard. The number of impressions of the last 28 days is shown as a bar chart and gives you a comparison to the previous period. On the right side, you can see the number of links that have been clicked on and the amount of favorites your tweets have received.

By clicking on a tweet, you get a detail view that contains the amount of retweets, replies and favorites of your tweets.

If you would like to archive or further process the data you can download the data as a CSV file.
So, use Twitter Analytics to see who is reading your tweets.