Wer hat Recht? - Webinar

Wer hat Recht? – Which Client Data You Can and Should Track in E-Commerce

In our last edition of “Wer hat Recht?”, we talked about customer data in e-commerce.
Most e-commerce companies have probably increased their marketing budgets for Black Friday and the Christmas season so that they can reach as many new customers as possible with discounts and offers.

In doing so, they collect a lot of new first-party data, which is currently of great value for marketing in the cookie-less age.
How should and may you use this new customer data in your marketing activities?
Evelyn Thar (CEO of Advance Metrics), Natalia Morgan (Head of Online Marketing at Advance Metrics) and Caroline Danner (Managing Director of ONLAW) have discussed various marketing strategies that comply with data protection and legal requirements.

First, we addressed the initial situation in marketing, namely which important customer data and insights you as an e-commerce store should gain from the Black Friday sales data in order to develop your strategies for the upcoming Christmas business.
We have divided this into customer data, product data and performance.

Customer data:

  • Customer behavior
  • Customer segmentation


  • Sales performance
  • Bestsellers and stock levels

Product performance

  • Performance of the marketing channels
  • Conversion rate and return on advertising spend (ROAS)

We also discussed personalization, be it geographical or cross-channel personalization.

For each of the marketing strategies we proposed, such as remarketing/retargeting, email marketing, audience creation and communication channels, we made our marketing recommendation in relation to the collection of customer data.
And we differentiated between the legal requirements in Switzerland and the EU.


The proposed marketing strategies are straight-forward, you are allowed to use the collected customer data and are also legally on the safe side. Use a pragmatic approach when setting up your marketing activities and be familiar with the legal requirements to be able to implement them accordingly.
Whether data protection regulations or the Swiss UWG – thanks to the legal assessment by lawyer Caroline Danner, we were able to determine that there is no or only a negligible risk for all our proposed marketing strategies.

Follow us or subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the next edition of “Wer hat Recht?”. Next year, we will tackle the topics of B2B marketing  and the legal consequences for AI in marketing.