On the 15th and 16th of April, Amazee Metrics had its own booth at the Swiss Online Marketing Exhibiton (SOM) in Zurich. We enjoyed a successful exhibition and met many new people.
On the first day Evelyn Thar gave a presentation about SEO performance measurement. We were very pleased by the big audience and the positive feedback from the attendees.

We had the chance to welcome many interesting people at our booth and had a lot of stimulating discussions. Our Metrics wheel, representing our working cycle, was definitely a highlight. Its big advantage was that every person spinning the wheel was sure to win a prize. We gave away SEO and analytics quick checks as well as our popular M&Ms and prizes from our customers JEANS.CH, Hoferweine, Nezasa, Cleverclip and Sumaris.

We want to thank all the visitors who came by our booth at the SOM 2015. We will send the results of the SEO and analytics quick checks to the lucky winners within the next days.