For SEO reasons it is recommended to create one landing page per topic and optimize this page using the relevant keywords. Optimizing single page websites for search engines is more difficult because one page contains several topics.
For this reason special rules should be applied for single page websites in addition to implementing the SEO steps for websites with several pages:
1. Define Content Sections
Group the content into different content sections containing one topic each. Define an eligible keyword for each section and optimize the content accordingly. In the HTML code each content section should be wrapped in its own <div> element.
Update (18.2.2016): For new websites we recommend taking advantage of the HTML 5 semantics. Best practice is to wrap the different content sections into <section> tags (instead of <div>). Each section should have a descriptive section ID, which is defined with the tag <section id=”name”>.
2. Use Anchor Links
Anchor links allow the user to jump to specific content sections within the same page. Create such an anchor link for every content section and use the matching keyword in the anchor text.
3. Add a H1 Tag per Content Section
Define an H1 tag for each content section containing the relevant keyword. One page websites are the only exception to the SEO rule that there should only be one H1 tag on a page.
Example for a well optimized Single Page website:

Do you need more information about how to optimize your website for SEO? Feel free to contact me.
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