If Russia is an important target market for you, you have to integrate Yandex in your digital marketing strategy. According to Yandex, it is the seventh largest search engine in the world. With a market share of 60.5%, Yandex has the biggest market share in Russia, whereas Google‘s market share is only about 30%.
Thus for search engine marketing in Russia, you need to include Yandex in addition to Google AdWords.

As you can see in the graphic below, Russia is the largest Internet audience in Europe. Thus Russia is an advertising market with a lot of potential.

Advertising Opportunities in Yandex
If you decide to target the Russian market, have a look at the advertising tools of Yandex.
Classical Search Ads
With the Yandex.Direct tool you can create the classical search ads that users will see above and on the right side of the search engine results.
Banner Ads in Search
Unlike other search engines, you can place banner ads in the search engine results pages of Yandex. This is a good opportunity for advertisers to stand out from the other search results.
Display Network
The advertising network of Yandex includes Bing and popular Russian websites and search engines like mail.ru, rambler.ru, rabota.ru and auto.ru.
Product Based Ads
Similar to Google Shopping, you can create product based ads via Yandex.Markt. They are displayed in a catalogue along with products of other providers.
Yandex provides an English interface that allows to create accounts and ads without Russian language skills. There even is a translation function. However, we recommend working with a Russian speaking person for the keyword research and the ad creation to ensure high language quality.
We can help you to create a Yandex account. Feel free to contact me!