For those who may not know; Ringo, the penguin, helps teach schoolchildren in Zurich about the public transport system. Ringo, being a penguin, is unable to fly. He needs public transport to help him get from place to place. We at Amazee Metrics, in an effort to help Ringo and his fellow commuters, were tasked to assist Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (Zurich Transport Network) in improving their web analytics setup. ZVV’s web analytics is vital to helping improve their customers experience.
The Requirement
ZVV needed a new solution to secure their user’s private information and provide easy-to-access, insightful data.
The Solution
Amazee Metrics integrated a new analytics suite. Gathering all the required data and presenting it in a series of Dashboards and ad-hoc reports.
The Result
ZVV’s analytics program complies with privacy regulations and they are able to improve customer’s website experience with the insights gained.
The Requirement
ZVV, being a public organization, is expected to maintain high standards of user privacy for all its customers. Because of this their existing Google Analytics based setup required an overhaul as it did not meet privacy legislation standards. Importantly a new tool would need to be found and implemented in order to reach these privacy requirements.
This new tool would have to be able to match their existing Google Analytics based setup. The new tool would have to be able to collect and integrate a number of data types. Most importantly it would have to be able to collect web data and data from ZVV’s own systems.
Of course data collected needs to be presented and any tool considered would need to be able to present the data in easy to read dashboards and reports as well as be exported into spreadsheets.
The Solution
ZVV engaged us at Amazee Metrics to help them find and implement a tool or set of tools that adhere to all of their requirements. After conducting a feasibility study we found the correct solution in analytics tool, AT Internet. AT Internet provides an all-in-one platform which handles data gathering, cleaning and presentation within an expansive suite of tools.
Working with AT Internet we designed and implemented a data gathering plan that would ensure all the data ZVV required would be accounted for. We collected all page view data for the main site as well as event data for various user interactions such as downloads or conversions.
After ensuring that all the required data was collected and cleaned we moved on to mapping out the data presentation. ZVV’s requirements were for a number of Dashboards and ad-hoc reports.
The AT Internet Dashboard tool is more expansive than the Google Analytics dashboard tool allowing for customisation of appearance and data presentation. Here we built out Dashboards that brought together all of the data types we had set out to acquire in the tagging process. On top of this we injected data from ZVV’s CRM to enhance the web data.
The Result
All the work put into the planning, collecting and presenting the data mean that ZVV now have a new central point for all their online data. Using AT Internet ensures that their users privacy is respected, that they are compliant with governmental regulation and that they have the information they need to help improve their users experience on their site.
This helps passengers discover and get to where they want to be with less worry and with more smiles. And we are sure that happy commuters put a smile on Ringo’s face too.
Speaking about Ringo – He recently used his transport know-how to travel from Zurich to Cape Town to meet the team in the Amazee Metrics office. As far as we know, coming to Cape Town for a holiday was the first time Ringo had ever seen the ocean having only been exposed to the Zürichsee so far.

With our team he even met some of his own kind on his trip to Cape Town: