On Monday evening the second meetup of contentgourmets took place at Kafi Schoffel. While enjoying tasty tapas we talked about content marketing measurement.
There are several different approaches to measure content marketing. Basic measurement frameworks measure the performance and the impact of content marketing in sales, lead generation and retention rates. Beside that the usage and success of every content piece should be measured and be part of the measurement framework.
Content marketing is also an important SEO method. Link building is a time-consuming and long process, if you do not want to use black hat seo tacticts such as link schemes or link networks.
Based on this, a comprehensive measurement framework contains the following metrics:
1. Consumption Metrics, e.g.:
- Blog: Page views
- Newsletter: Opening rate, click rate
- Facebook: Post reach
2. Sharing Metrics, e.g.:
- Blog Posts: Social Shares, external Links
- Twitter: Retweets, Favorites
- Facebook: Likes, Shares
- Google+ Page: Actions in Dashboard
3. Lead Metrics, e.g.:
- Visit sources (Blog Post, Article, Twitter, Facebook…) for the contact form
4. Sales Metrics, e.g.:
- Ecommerce Tracking (Google Analytics, CMS, CRM online/offline Sales)
5. Retention Metrics, e.g.:
- Returning Visitors
- Customer Retention Rate
- Repeated Sales
- Average Customer Revenue
- Net Promoter Score
6. Search Engine Rankings
For an effective content marketing measurement it is important to define the goals at the beginning of the content marketing campaign, to select a measurement framework, stick to it and measure trends and changes for several time periods.
See the presentation below to learn more about content marketing measurement.