Within the next months new formats and tools will be available for AdWords to create mobile ads for the Display Network, the AdMob network and DoubleClick. The four new formats, Engagement Ads, TrueView Ads, Anchor Ad and Magazine Style Text Ad shall be easy to generate and work across devices.
1. The “Engagement Ads” on HTML5 basis are rich media ads, which can dynamically resize the ad size to fit the device screen. Advertizers are only charged for click on the ad. Check out the example below:

In the expanded state the mobile ad can contain functionalities to encourage user interaction.

2. For the “TrueView Video-Ads“, currently already running in gaming-apps, a broader number of mobile apps shall be made available. Also for this format advertisers are only charged when users engage with the video, watch it or not skip it.

3. The “Anchor Ad” stays fixed in the bottom position of the screen even while users scroll but the user can end the ad any time.

4. The magazine style text ad format, already available for mobile webpages, shall permit advertisers to create appealing ads and combine the style of magazine ads with advantages of mobile ads.

With the help of three tools advertisers can make their existing ads mobile friendly.
1. The “auto-resizing tool” generates automatically new ad formats to fit various screensizes.
2. The Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tools for the Google Display Network and DoubleClick Campaign Manager convert automatically Flash ads into HTML5 version for devices and browsers that do not support Flash.
3. The tool “DoubleClick Studio Layouts” offers 29 HTML4-templates and in-app-formats to create rich media apps out of existing components that work on smartphones and tablets.
With the introduced changes Google wants to meet the requirement of mobile users, switching between devices and screen sizes, and to provide the necessary armamentarium for advertisers.
For any further questions you can contact me: daniela.colmegna@advance-metrics.com